
OKEA ASA - Initiation of share acquisitions by employees
(Trondheim, 11 March 2025) OKEA ASA («OKEA» or the «Company») (OSE: OKEA). In connection with the share-based bonus program in OKEA, Pareto has been mandated to purchase shares…
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OKEA ASA – Invitation to presentation of fourth quarter results 2021
OKEA ASA – Invitation to presentation of fourth quarter results 2021
OKEA ASA will release its fourth quarter 2021 results on Friday 11 February 2022 at 06:00 CET. A presentation of the results will be held on the same day through a…

Dry exploration well on the Ginny prospect (PL1060) operated by Equinor
Dry exploration well on the Ginny prospect (PL1060) operated by Equinor
(Trondheim, 2 February 2022) (OSE: OKEA) Reference is made to the Company’s stock exchange notice dated 3 January 2022. Drilling operations on the Ginny exploration well…

Dry exploration well on the Ginny prospect (PL1060) operated by Equinor
Dry exploration well on the Ginny prospect (PL1060) operated by Equinor
(Trondheim, 2 February 2022) (OSE: OKEA) Reference is made to the Company’s stock exchange notice dated 3 January 2022. Drilling operations on the Ginny exploration well…

OKEA fourth quarter 2021 trading update
OKEA fourth quarter 2021 trading update
(Trondheim 20 January 2022) OKEA ASA (OSE: OKEA) today announces a trading update for the fourth quarter of 2021 with a production of 16 038 (16 315) barrels of oil equivalents per…

OKEA fourth quarter 2021 trading update
OKEA fourth quarter 2021 trading update
(Trondheim 20 January 2022) OKEA ASA (OSE: OKEA) today announces a trading update for the fourth quarter of 2021 with a production of 16 038 (16 315) barrels of oil equivalents per…

Four licences awarded to OKEA in APA 2021
Four licences awarded to OKEA in APA 2021
OKEA ASA has been offered interests in four new production licences on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, three of which as operator, through the Awards in Pre-Defined Areas (APA)…

Four licences awarded to OKEA in APA 2021
Four licences awarded to OKEA in APA 2021
OKEA ASA has been offered interests in four new production licences on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, three of which as operator, through the Awards in Pre-Defined Areas (APA)…

Drilling of the Ginny exploration well (PL1060) has started
Drilling of the Ginny exploration well (PL1060) has started
(Trondheim, 3 January 2022) OKEA ASA (OSE: OKEA) announces that drilling operations on the Equinor-operated Ginny exploration well 6407/9-13 have commenced from the West Hercules…

Mandatory notification of trade
Mandatory notification of trade
Reference is made to the stock exchange notification 5 January 20:06:49 of the successful purchase of shares in OKEA ASA (the “Company”) in connection with the Company’s…

Successful purchase of shares in OKEA ASA – mandatory notification of trade
Successful purchase of shares in OKEA ASA – mandatory notification of trade
Reference is made to the stock exchange notification at 16.30 CET today regarding the possible purchase of shares in OKEA ASA (the "Company") in connection with the Company's…

Employees in OKEA ASA intend to buy shares for NOK 28.7 million
Employees in OKEA ASA intend to buy shares for NOK 28.7 million
Based on the incentive program in OKEA ASA (the "Company" or “OKEA”), Pareto Securities has received an order to purchase shares in the market for an aggregate amount of up to…

Drilling of the Ginny exploration well (PL1060) has started
Drilling of the Ginny exploration well (PL1060) has started
(Trondheim, 3 January 2022) OKEA ASA (OSE: OKEA) announces that drilling operations on the Equinor-operated Ginny exploration well 6407/9-13 have commenced from the West Hercules…