“My partner got a job in Kristiansund, so I started looking around the area and discovered the Kom Trainee program. I’m very happy today that it was OKEA who showed an interest in interviewing me”
With a bachelor’s degree in both English and Economics and Administration, and a master’s degree in Logistics, it seemed likely that Emilie would work in procurement for a large company.
But she ended up at OKEA mostly by chance.
“My partner got a job in Kristiansund, so I started looking around the area and discovered the Kom Trainee program. I’m very happy today that it was OKEA who showed an interest in interviewing me.”
Kom Trainee is a two-year trainee program in Nordmøre, which focuses particularly on networking between companies and young workers.
“You can be employed by three different companies during the two years, but I will work at OKEA for two years,” says Emilie, adding:
“I think working on a trainee contract makes my workday more varied than if I had been a permanent employee. It’s a great way to learn as much as possible about the company before potentially getting a permanent position.”
Emilie highlights working in the warehouse as an exciting experience.
“When you work in procurement and logistics, it’s important to have knowledge about the products you purchase and handle. So, working for two months in the warehouse provided invaluable understanding of the work I do from the office. When I got the job at OKEA, I barely knew what a valve was, so the learning curve has been steep.”
Outside of work, Emilie spends a lot of time with horses and dogs, and she loves to travel. However, she is relaxed about her future plans in the oil industry.
“I take life as it comes. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up, but right now, I’m enjoying myself, so I can see myself continuing at OKEA. Fortunately, I don’t have to make a decision about that for another year.”
When asked if she would recommend others to apply for jobs through the Kom Trainee program, she has no doubt:
“Absolutely. It’s a very positive program. Last year, we also started the U37 offer for young workers in the region, where we organize meetups and various activities. So, a lot is happening here in Nordmøre. It’s a growing region.”
Are you curious about the trainee program in Nordmøre? Read more about Kom Trainee and the member companies.