Supplier info - OKEA

Supplier info

Our suppliers are a prerequisite for us to be able to solve our tasks as an operator.

We view our suppliers as partners, colleagues and friends. A close and open relationship with our suppliers allows for safer, smarter and more efficient ways of working.

General supply guidelines (in Norwegian)

Supplier code of conduct

Vendor information security instruction

OKEA Terms and conditions – linked attachments below


Main address
Registered business address: Kongens gate 8, 7011 Trondheim, Norway
Mailing address: Kongens gate 8, 7011 Trondheim, Norway
Phone: +47 73 52 52 22
E-mail address:

Supply base Kristiansund (Draugen)
Delivery address and visit address OKEA on Vestbase:
Vestbase, Bygg 8
Omagata 122, 6517 Kristiansund N

Operation office Kristiansund
Visit address:
Råket 2, 6516 Kristiansund N
Mailing address:
Postboks 2214 Løkkemyra,
6503 Kristiansund N

Supply base Mongstad (Brage)
Delivery address and visit address:
Multivarehus Mongstad Sør
Storemyra 149 Hall B / Kai 7
5954 Mongstad

Operation office Bergen
Delivery address and visit address:
Espehaugen 32 
5258 Bergen

Purchase order and invoicing info

Purchase order

Questions regarding Purchase Order can be directed on e-mail to

OKEA utilizes the web portal SISCommerce for sharing Request for Quotations (RFQ) and Purchase Orders (PO) to suppliers. This web portal is integrated with OKEA’s purchasing IT system. You will receive an email notification with request to send your quote based upon received RFQ, or acceptance of PO. This can be done by logging into your SISCommerce account.

If you are a new SISCommerce user, you will receive information about logon procedure directly from the portal. Use of the portal is free of charge for supplier, and the solution is easy to use.

Please contact SISCommerce directly if you need support with login into or using the portal:, telephone number: +47 73 87 62 00.

More information can be found on:



Invoicing requirements

OKEA aims to have an effective invoicing process that enables payment on time. The following requirements must therefore apply for all invoices: 

  • In compliance with general documentation requirements in Norwegian book keeping legislation
  • Reference to Purchase Order number (PO) 
  • Name of the contact person in OKEA
  • Only one currency per invoice 
  • Detailed price overview and applicable invoicing documentation 

Invoices that do not meet these requirements will be returned to the sender.

OKEA requests our suppliers to use the EHF – Electronic Trading Format for electronic invoicing. Please ensure to send the EHF-invoice to the correct entity/organizational number, as specified on PO:

Entity nameOrganisational number/
Company registration no
OKEA ASA  915 419 062
OKEA ASA PL093 DRAUGEN921 788 932
OKEA ASA – PL055 BRAGE993 245 437
OKEA ASA – PL958 DRAUGEN EAST922 575 940
OKEA ASA – PL740 BRASSE913 477 030

An alternative method of invoicing is pdf-files sent by e-mail to:

It is required to have: 

  • only one invoice per e-mail 
  • only one invoice per pdf-file, including attachments

Questions regarding invoices can be directed on e-mail to: